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Manufacturer: WAGGONER
Product code: ACEY007B
The Waggoner PIP24 Colour Vision Test sets new standards in both pediatric and adult patient care.
The Waggoner PIP24 is a color vision testing booklet with both high sensitivity and specificity. The PIP24 received its name because PIP represents pseudoisochromatic plates, the type of test images used to identify color vision defects, and the fact that the book has 24 plates in total.
The PIP24 screens for protan (red weak), deutan (green weak), and tritan (blue/yellow weak) color vision deficient individuals, and is the perfect choice for both adults and children.
The Waggoner PIP24 sets new standards in both pediatric and adult patient care and is independently validated by academic institutes and used by health care professionals globally.
Why use PIP24?
Fast and effective screening, taking less than two minutes to test for common color vision deficiencies
Two tests in one - PIP24 has both an adult section with numbers and a paediatric section with symbols
PIP24 provides a military-grade test and is one of only two tests validated and required for US Navy pilots’ color vision screenings
Independently validated by academic institutes and used globally by health care professionals.

Instructions for use
For adults
The first plate you see is a Demo plate, which is not scored. After the Demo plate, there are 14 total plates testing for both protan/deutan deficiencies. If the subject correctly identifies 12 of the 14 total plates, they pass. Normally, no further testing would be required. Plates 15-17 are for doctors that require advanced color vision testing.
Protan/Deutan: Plate 15 determines the type (protan/deutan) and approximates the degree of deficiency. Severe protans only see a 5 or nothing. Severe deutans only see a 3 or nothing. Mild protans/ deutans see both numbers. Protans see the 5 easier and deutans see the 3 easier.
Tritan: Plates 16 & 17, the tritan plates, test for genetic and acquired blue/yellow deficiencies.To pass the tritan section, both plates 16 & 17 must be correctly identified.
For children
There is one Demo plate with a circle, star, cross and square on it. Do not score the Demo plate. After the demo plate, on pages 18-23, there are 6 protan/deutan test plates. If the subject correctly identifies all 6 protan/deutan test plates, they pass. The plates have either 2 or 3 symbols on them. If the subject misses a symbol on any of the 6 test plates, they fail. Even color deficient subjects should see at least one symbol on plates 18-21. Normally, no further testing on a pediatric subject would be required.
Plate 24 is for doctors that require advanced color vision testing. Plate 24 tests for genetic and acquired tritan deficiencies. To pass the tritan section, plate 24 must be correctly identified.